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(Comprising Radii Planet Group Management Ltd, Radii Partitioning Ltd, Planet Contracting Ltd and RP Products Ltd)
The Company makes this Statement pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘the Act’) and constitutes the Company’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the current financial year.
Available evidence suggests that modern slavery impacts almost every economic sector covering operations throughout manufacturing, the supply of services and transportation. While modern slavery is illegal in every country, the evidence also suggests that it still occurs in every country worldwide.
In recognition of this, and in order to support the aims and objectives of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Company publish an annual Statement confirming the steps that have been taken by the Company during the previous financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of its business or its supply chains.
We confirm that the Company has not been convicted of breaching The Modern Slavery Act 2015 or had any notice served upon it, by any regulator or authority (including any local authority) during the accounting period covered by this Statement.
Organisational Structure
The Company has been designing, manufacturing and installing demountable partitioning, fire and acoustic partitioning and doors for over 40 years. We have a continuously expanding portfolio of clients in the UK, US and Middle East with operating offices located throughout the UK.
The Company, within its group structure, has a number of established subsidiary companies which are either wholly or jointly owned. Further details on the group structure are available on request
Group turnover in the financial year ending 31 December 2022 was £57,980.324.
Supply Chain Relationships
Our supply chain consists of suppliers of materials and manufactured products and subcontractors instructed to carry out works and services on our project sites.
We operate a supplier policy and maintain a preferred supplier/subcontractor list. We aim to use suppliers and subcontractors who are local to our projects. We carry out due diligence on our suppliers and undertake a vetting process on our subcontractors, which include the completion of questionnaires and the supply of information on modern slavery.
The Company has a commitment to ensure that no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, or human trafficking, is taking place anywhere throughout Company’s operations or supply chains (including the supply of labour for any permanent or temporary position).
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (‘CRS’ Policy), which incorporates this Statement, forms part of our contract with suppliers and subcontractors and they are required to confirm that no part of their business operations will be likely to breach this CRS Policy.
Due Diligence Processes
Employment and training
Our recruitment process is undertaken with due regard to UK employment legislation, including, ‘Right to Work’ document checks; Contracts of Employment and checks to ensure that everyone employed is aged 16 and above. We expect our supply chain to operate the same policy and have the ability to demonstrate this.
We are a Living Wage employer, indicating we have adopted an equitable employment policy within our business.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is brought to the attention of our employees during induction and any individual responsibilities highlighted, in relation to the selection of suppliers and subcontractors. New employees are also expected to complete a training module on Modern Slavery as part of their induction.
Risk Assessments
Where a risk is envisaged, i.e. due to the location of a supplier, an assessment will take place to ensure compliance with the Act. Where, due to specific industries, a higher risk of slavery is evident, e.g. forestry, the Company will put measures in place to ensure sustainable sourcing is achieved, i.e. by using only FSC registered suppliers.
If a potential risk has been identified, the Company will assess and investigate the circumstances to ensure there is no breach of the legislation.
Ongoing Commitment
The Company will undertake an annual review of the effectiveness of the steps it has carried out in the preceding financial year to ensure that sufficient action has been taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking within our supply chains and to highlight areas where improvements may be needed.
It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement this Policy.
This Policy has been defined and approved by the Board of Directors.
Signed: Dated: 21/02/24
Graham Sanders , CEO