Natural Daylight the Top Priority in Office Design

Natural Daylight the Top Priority in Office Design

The age of artificial lighting in office spaces is meeting its end. According to research, daylight is now the most desired natural element in workplace design, surpassing other features such as plants and foliage.

With natural light increasing productivity and sales by 40% – and having a noticeable effect on reducing stress – designers are turning to other design possibilities to maximise the stream of natural light in modern offices.

From the above statistics, we can surmise that natural daylight is slowly becoming a prerequisite of commercial office interior design. Not only is it good for employee stress and happiness levels, natural daylight boosts productivity and work-rates.

But designing a workspace which utilises natural light takes careful planning, research and conscientious thought, especially in open-plan spaces where natural light and privacy are high priorities for occupants.

Glass partitions and glass doors
Glass partitions and doors are an excellent design solution to ensure both daylight and privacy are not compromised. Glass partitions allow natural sources of light to permeate through a space, whilst maintaining privacy and reducing acoustic levels. Overall, this design solution ensures the open-plan aesthetic is not compromised by practical necessities, such as privacy and acoustics.

Top-level privacy
For spaces where confidential meetings occur on a daily basis, privacy is even more of a high concern. In these circumstances, designers can incorporate an innovative film into glass partitions which ensures information on LCD screens cannot be seen. Operating in the same way as a polarised lens, this film blocks reflected light so the screen appears black, without compromising the open-plan aesthetic key to the flow of natural daylight.

Have a flexible space
Offering more versatility, demountable glass partitions are great solutions which ensure designers create spaces that can adapt to the changing needs of the workforce. This cost-effective design assures partitions can be moved instead of replaced, all the while utilising natural light within office spaces.

With daylight now one of the top design concerns within a commercial interior – reducing stress and increasing productivity – it is crucial that private areas are not compromised in the process. Thankfully, with glass partitions created by the likes of Radii Planet Group, designers can be assured their spaces will hit the mark on both aesthetics and function.